Overview of ArcGIS Pro
Conda Integration
Charts and Graphs
Modern View for ArcGIS:
Quick means of interacting with ArcGIS Pro using Python
Interactive Selections
ArcGIS toolboxes revisited in Python
Allows for visual creation of Geoprocessing tools
Significant effort has been made at Esri to integrate Python package management and virtual environment support into the ArcGIS Pro experience.
Using pip, wheels, virtualenvs
What are Virtual Environments
Windows lacks broadly used package management
Scientific Python community identified that there was a gap not being addressed by the core Python infrastructure, limiting their ability to get packages into the hands of users
Industry standard built by people who care about this space — Continuum Analytics
Handles dependencies for many languages (C, C++, R and of course Python)
Built for Python first, but it really solves a much broader infrastructural issue.
Support for custom channels
Package Creation via UI
Additional Support on Server
The Python Ecosystem includes thousands of open-source packages. Saves development time and money.
Esri is using several packages in ArcGIS
Automate or Extend your ArcGIS capabilities
Easily package and share your work
What can we install? Not just scientific packages.
Proven environments that will ‘Just work’
Using setuptools and distutils to create a Python Package.
On a network
Via a http server
Tools and data sets can be uploaded to ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online as services.
The ArcGIS Python API is a cross-platform solution which allows for users to view, administer and interact with services on ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online.